Mattresses that can be dried in the sun and washed with water
Source: | Author:佚名 | Published time: 2024-11-13 | 164 Views | Share:

The cover can be dry-cleaned, laundered or washed in a home washing machine.

Applicable modelsDry in the sun/wash with water W-R1, JP, R3, futon

Please be careful!There are some washing machines that cannot wash products with cotton filling .

Be sure to check the label on the product before washing .

The washable cover of the mattress with sun drying 

and water washing function is made of 100% polyester filling, and the filling weight is 0.9-2.4kg.
There may be restrictions on the filling weight, so please check the instruction manual of your washing machine.

*If washed incorrectly, the product or washing machine may be damaged.


Main conditions for a washing machine

Use a special net or cap that is "filled" and is within the weight limit of the filling in the washing machine.

*Do not dry in a washer/dryer. *Do not use a futon dryer.

For a comfortable mattress use

To ensure a comfortable mattress usage, please perform regular maintenance.

◆ Ventilate the room to remove moisture from the mattress .

◆About using a futon dryer       

◆About using heating appliances

When using an electric blanket, electric warmer, hot water bottle, or other heating device that produces heat on the mattress, be sure to set the temperature at or below body temperature. Using it at a high temperature may impair the functionality of the mattress.

Fine revo built-in flex bag                                           

Applicable modelsJP

If you rotate the Flex Bag regularly, the sleeping comfort will remain pretty much the same for about 10 years.

*Depends on the usage environment. The warranty period for Finerevo mattresses is 2 years.