• Topper 001
    Topper 001
    Topper 001
    Topper 001
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  • Topper 001

    Simply place it on your current bedding and you can experience a high-quality sleeping experience.
    A convenient mattress that comes with a storage bag and can be used even when traveling

    . We want you to feel "comfortable" when you wake up in the morning.
    To achieve this, it is important to "sleep deeply" without disturbing your sleep rhythm.
    The key words are "easy to turn over" and "do not shake for long."
    Compared to conventional springs that mainly move vertically, Fine RevoR is
    a unique material that moves flexibly in three dimensions , adapting to the various movements of the body during sleep and supporting turning over. 

    ◆ Fine Revo placed in the lower back supports a natural and flexible sleeping posture.

    Fine Revo is installed in the lumbar area, which bears the most weight, and its structure ensures a supple feel, the ability to turn over, and the ability to distribute body pressure.

    ◆The top is made of knit fabric for a wrapped feel, while the bottom is made of mesh fabric to protect against moisture.

    ◆In areas where Fine Revo is not installed, ventilation holes eliminate the feeling of stuffiness.

    ◆The outer cover can be removed and washed.

    • ¥0.00
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Simply place it on your current bedding and you can experience a high-quality sleeping experience.
A convenient mattress that comes with a storage bag and can be used even when traveling

. We want you to feel "comfortable" when you wake up in the morning.
To achieve this, it is important to "sleep deeply" without disturbing your sleep rhythm.
The key words are "easy to turn over" and "do not shake for long."
Compared to conventional springs that mainly move vertically, Fine RevoR is
a unique material that moves flexibly in three dimensions , adapting to the various movements of the body during sleep and supporting turning over. 

◆ Fine Revo placed in the lower back supports a natural and flexible sleeping posture.

Fine Revo is installed in the lumbar area, which bears the most weight, and its structure ensures a supple feel, the ability to turn over, and the ability to distribute body pressure.

◆The top is made of knit fabric for a wrapped feel, while the bottom is made of mesh fabric to protect against moisture.

◆In areas where Fine Revo is not installed, ventilation holes eliminate the feeling of stuffiness.

◆The outer cover can be removed and washed.

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